Bettencourts 1200-2000
Generation Ten
56. Jean de Bethencourt (XII) (Jean, Pierre, Collard, Regnault, Regnault, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (suffix added for clarification)358,68,68 was born circa 1530 at Mauquenchy.68 Jean de Bethencourt (XII) was Lord of Randillion, France.68 He married Marguerite de Launay on 16 Apr 1559.68 He died circa 1590.68
Marguerite de Launay68 was born circa 1540 at France.68
Children of Jean de Bethencourt (XII) and Marguerite de Launay were:
+ 105 i. Pierre de Bethencourt (II) was born circa 1580 at France. He married Françoise de Lignières, daughter of Fleurimond de Lignières, on 29 Apr 1613. He married Marie du Bosc on 2 May 1652. He died on 2 Sep 1661.
57. Nicolas de Bethencourt (I) (Jean, Pierre, Collard, Regnault, Regnault, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (suffix added for clarification)358,68,68 was born after 1530 at Mauquenchy.68 He was a squire.68 Nicolas de Bethencourt (I) was Lord of Noyet, France, and Viscount of Gaillefontaine.68 He married Catherine Le Long on 9 Jul 1566.68 He and Catherine Le Long had five children.68
Catherine Le Long68 was born circa 1540 at France.68
Children of Nicolas de Bethencourt (I) and Catherine Le Long all born at France were as follows:
+ 106 i. Robert de Bethencourt (I) was born circa 1567. He married Louise de Chemin on 7 Aug 1614. He died in 1637.
107 ii. Renée de Bethencourt358,358,68 was born circa 1570.68 She died in Oct 1637.359
108 iii. François de Bethencourt (I) (suffix added for clarification)358,358,68 was born circa 1575.68 He was a squire.359 He married Marie des Près.359 François de Bethencourt (I) was Lord of Toutpré, France, and Viscount of Gaillefontaine.359
Marie des Près359 was born circa 1575 at France.359
+ 109 iv. Philippe de Bethencourt (II) was born circa 1580. He married Louise Horsolle on 16 Sep 1607. He died circa 1629.
110 v. Marie de Bethencourt68,68,68 was born before 1585.68 She married Jacob de Grandoit on 18 Dec 1604.359
Jacob de Grandoit359 was born circa 1580 at France.359
61. Dona Anna de Bethencourt (Rodrigo, Maciot, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean)274,360,276 was also known as Dona Anna Betancur.360 She was also known as Ana de Bettencourt.9 She was born after 1435 at Islas Canarias.360 She married Dom Gonçalo de Aguilar, son of Affonco Fernandes de Cordova and Dona Izabel de Figueiroa, at Gáldar, Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias, Spain.360,276
Dona Anna de Bethencourt and Dom Gonçalo de Aguilar were the ancestors of the Bethencourts of the Canary Islands (Gran Canária).232 She was Lady of Gáldar, Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias, Spain.360,274

Dom Gonçalo de Aguilar276,360,360 was also known as Gonzalo de Aguilar.9 He was also known as Dom Goncallo de Aguilar.360 He was born before 1390 at Portugal.360 Between 1404 and 1406 he served in the conquest of the Canary Islands.360
Children of Dona Anna de Bethencourt and Dom Gonçalo de Aguilar were:
+ 111 i. Dom João de Aguilar Carrascoza was born circa 1455 at Gáldar, Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias, Spain. He married Dona Constança Ximenes, daughter of Dom Cristovão Ximenes and Dona Leonor de Golpida, at Gáldar, Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias, Spain.
62. Dona Elvira de Bethencourt (Inês, Maciot, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean)274,136,274,275,136,274,275,136 was also known as Elvira de Bethencourt Perdomo.275 She was born after 1450 at Arrieta, Lanzarote, Islas Canarias, Spain.274,136 She married Jean Mélian, son of Jean Mélian and Catherine Boulanger.274,275 She and Jean Mélian formed the beginnings of he house of Mélian de Bethencourt.361,275
Jean Mélian274,274,275,274,275 also went by the name of El Mozo.136 He was also known as Juan Mélian.275,136 He was born circa 1430.274,136 He was a descendant of the powerful french Counts of Meulan, ancestors of the Earls of Leicester and Worcester in England.275
Children of Dona Elvira de Bethencourt and Jean Mélian were as follows:
112 i. Luis Mélian136,136,136 was born circa 1470.136 He married Isabel Sánchez Trujillo circa 1495 at Seville, Spain.136
Isabel Sánchez Trujillo136 was born circa 1470 at Sapin.136
113 ii. Juan Mélian136,136,136 was born circa 1470.136
+ 114 iii. Catalina Melián de Bethencourt was born circa 1470. She married Juan Camacho circa 1490.
115 iv. Diego Mélian136,136,136 was born after 1470.136 He married Luisa Mayor circa 1500.136 He died in 1519.136
Luisa Mayor136 was born after 1470.136
116 v. Francisca Mélian136,136,136 was born after 1470.136 She married Diego de Cabrera circa 1500.136
Diego de Cabrera136 was born after 1470.136
63. Margarida Bethencourt (Inês, Maciot, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean)274,274,206,171,274,206,171 was also known as Margarita de Bethencourt.206,171 She was born after 1450 at Arrieta, Lanzarote, Islas Canarias, Spain.274 She married Juan Pérez de Munguía y Aguirre, son of Perucho de Bilbao and Doña Elivira de Munguía, circa 1480.362,171
Juan Pérez de Munguía y Aguirre206,171,206,206 was born circa 1450.171
Children of Margarida Bethencourt and Juan Pérez de Munguía y Aguirre were:
+ 117 i. Ines de Bethencourt was born circa 1480. She married Don Luis Rodriíuez de Sanabria, son of Don Sebastián Rodriíuez de Sanabria and Doña Teresa Hernández de Castro de Andrade, circa 1500.

69. Jean de Bethencourt le Vieux (Henri, Henri Bettencourt, Regnault Bethencourt, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean)286,37,287,363,364,55,9,285,37,288,35,55,9,285 was also known as João de Béthencourt.37 He also went by the name of João Betancur o Velho de Ribeira Brava.287 He was also known as João de Bettencourt.35 He was also known as João de Betencourt da Ribeira Brava.55 He was also known as João Bettencourt o Velho.9 He was also known as João de Bettencourt o Velho.285 He was born circa 1450 at Ribeira Brava, Madeira, Portugal.37,202 He should not be confused with his brother called "o Cavaleiro" or "le Chevalier".287 He served in India with Dom Henrique de Menezes.289,285 He married Bárbara Gomes Ferreira, daughter of João Gomes o Trovador and Dona Guimar Ferreira, in 1493 at Madeira, Portugal.37,288,35,55,9,365,287 He returned to his house in Ribeira Brava, inherited from his father, near which he had extensive cultivated lands.289 In 1494 his reed plot produced 1400 "arrobas" (each equivalent to about 15 kg.) of sugar.289 In 1514 Jean was excused by the King from taking part in the sessions of the Council of Funchal to which he belonged in the capacity of goodman (Homem-Bom) because the road from his house to the city was in poor repair.289
Bárbara Gomes Ferreira287,288,55,9,365,287,365,289,365 was also known as Bárbara Gomes Teixeira.37,35 She was born circa 1460 at Madeira, Portugal.37 She and Dona Guiomar Ferreira were two sisters who married two brothers.289,280
Children of Jean de Bethencourt le Vieux and Bárbara Gomes Ferreira were as follows:
+ 118 i. Francisco de Bettencourt (I) was born circa 1500 at Ribeira Brava, Madeira, Portugal. He married Dona Joanna Mendes de Vasconcellos, daughter of Rui Mendes de Vasconcelos and Dona Isabel Corrêa, second marriage (the Nobiliário de Terceira lists this as the first marriage), on 22 Jun 1531 at Madeira, Portugal. He married Dona Andreza de Vasconcellos, daughter of Sebastião Vaz Homem and Iria Mendes de Vasconcellos, at Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira. He died on 9 Oct 1562 at Terceira.
+ 119 ii. Pedro de Bettencourt was born circa 1480 at Madeira, Portugal. He married Dona Maria de Freitas, daughter of João de Freitas and Guiomar Lordello, circa 1515 at Santa Cruz, Madeira, Portugal.
+ 120 iii. Dona Ignez de Bettencourt was born circa 1495 at Madeira, Portugal. She married António Correa o Grande, son of João Afonso Correa and Inês Lopes, at Madeira, Portugal. She married Dom Luís de Moura, son of Dom João de Moura and Dona Izabel de Atouguia.
+ 121 iv. Dona Izabel de Bettencourt was born circa 1495 at Madeira, Portugal. She married Dom Luís de Moura, son of Dom João de Moura and Dona Izabel de Atouguia, at Madeira, Portugal. She married António Correa o Grande, son of João Afonso Correa and Inês Lopes.
122 v. Dona Filippa de Bettencourt366,366,366 was born circa 1500 at Madeira, Portugal.366 She made an entailed estate of her goods for her nephew João de Bettencourt Corrêa.366 She died in 1571.366
+ 123 vi. Gaspar de Bettencourt was born circa 1505 at Madeira, Portugal. He married Izabel de Ornellas, daughter of Mem d' Ornellas.
+ 124 vii. Dona Guiomar de Bettencourt was born circa 1500 at Madeira, Portugal. She married Luís de Atouguia, son of Francisco Álvares da Costa and Branca de Atouguia, circa 1530 at Madeira, Portugal.
70. Jean de Bethencourt le Chevalier (Henri, Henri Bettencourt, Regnault Bethencourt, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (for his skill in the art of horsemanship)367,368,369,9,365,368,369,9,285 was also known as João de Bettencourt o Cavalleiro.365 He was also known as João Betancur o Cavalleiro.368 He was also known as João Bettencourt o Cavaleiro.9 He was born circa 1450 at Ribeira Brava, Madeira, Portugal.368,202 He should not be confused with his brotherJoão called "o Velho de Ribeira Brava" or "le Vieux".368 He married Dona Guiomar Ferreira, daughter of João Gomes o Trovador and Dona Guimar Ferreira, circa 1480 at Madeira, Portugal.370,369,9,280 He died during the lifetime of his mother.280
Dona Guiomar Ferreira371,9,289,280,289,280 was also known as Guimar Ferreira.280 She was also known as Dona Guimar Ferreira.289 She was born circa 1460 at Madeira, Portugal.288 She and Bárbara Gomes Ferreira were two sisters who married two brothers.289,280
Children of Jean de Bethencourt le Chevalier and Dona Guiomar Ferreira were as follows:
125 i. Dona Margarida de Bettencourt280,280,280 was born after 1480.280 She died on 26 Jan 1551.280
126 ii. Dona Brites de Bettencourt280,280,280 was born after 1480.280 She was a nun at the Convento de Santa Clara, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.280
127 iii. Henrique de Bettencourt280,280,280 was born after 1480.280 He married Dona Joanna de Morães, daughter of João de Morães and Catharina Fernades Tavares, circa 1520.280 He left a will on 5 May 1556.280
Dona Joanna de Morães280,280,280 was born circa 1490.280
+ 128 iv. Francisco de Bettencourt (II) was born circa 1490 at Madeira, Portugal. He married Dona Isabel de Teive, daughter of Diogo Vaz de Teive and Catarina Rodrigues Cardoso, circa 1510 at Madeira, Portugal. He died in 1549. He was buried at Capella Mor of São Bento, Ribeira Brava, Madeira, Portugal.
+ 129 v. Dona Isabel de Bettencourt a Grande was born circa 1500 at Madeira, Portugal. She married Manoel de Attoguia, son of Francisco Álvares da Costa and Branca de Atouguia, at Madeira, Portugal.
72. Marie de Bettencourt (Henri Bethencourt, Henri Bettencourt, Regnault Bethencourt, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean)286,372,288,9,372,288,9 and Dona Francisca de Bettencourt were descended from Marie de Bettencourt (married name Vaz), daughter of Henri le Français.373 She was also known as Dona Maria de Bettencourt.9,285 She was born circa 1470 at Ribeira Brava, Madeira, Portugal.286,9 She married Álvaro Vaz at Madeira, Portugal.290,9,372 She and Álvaro Vaz were the ancestors of the Bettencourt Vaz, Bettencourt Perestrello, and Faria de Bettencourt families at Madeira, Portugal.291 She married Antão Vilela.9,372
Álvaro Vaz290 was also known as Alvaro Vás.372 He was born circa 1460 at Madeira, Portugal.288 He was a nobleman of the Royal House.289,372 He resided at Madeira, Portugal.372
Children of Marie de Bettencourt and Álvaro Vaz were:
+ 130 i. Diogo de Bettencourt was born circa 1490 at Madeira, Portugal. He married Dona Isabel Afonso, daughter of Pedro Fernandes and Izabel Affonço, at Ponta do Sol, Madeira, Portugal.
Antão Vilela9 was also known as Antão Villela.372 He was born circa 1470.9
There were no children of Marie de Bettencourt and Antão Vilela.
74. Henri de Bettencourt (III) (Henri Bethencourt, Henri Bettencourt, Regnault Bethencourt, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (suffix added for clarification)286,288,9,374,288,9,285 was also known as Henrique de Bettencourt.9,374 He was also known as Henrique Betancur.375 He was born after 1493 at Ribeira Brava, Madeira, Portugal.375,202 There is an inconsistency as to whom Henri (III)'s parents were. Os Bettencourt lists Henri (II) and Dona Isabel Fernandes as his parents, while the Nobiliário de Famílias de Portugal lists the parents as Jean Bethencourt le Vieux and Bárbara Gomes Ferreira. More research obviously needs to be done to resolve this inconsistency although agrees with Os Bettencourt so that ancestry is followed here.288,9,375 He married Dona Helena Mendes de Vasconcellos, daughter of Rui Mendes de Vasconcelos and Dona Isabel Corrêa, at Madeira, Portugal.376,288,9,377 He and Dona Helena Mendes de Vasconcellos were the ancestors of the Bettencourt de Vasconcellos (II) family at Madeira, Portugal.378 He was a noble knight of the royal house.377 He and Francisco de Bettencourt de Vasconcellos were taken captive in the Cabo de Gué or Turudante in 1541 at Africa.379 He died after 1560.377
Dona Helena Mendes de Vasconcellos288,376,377,376,380 was also known as Helena Mendes de Vasconcelos.9 She was also known as Dona Helena de Vasconcellos.377 She was also known as Dona Hellena Mendes de Vasconcellos.381 She was also known as Dona Elena de Vasconcellos.376 She was born circa 1495 at Madeira, Portugal.376 She and Dona Joanna Mendes de Vasconcellos were sisters.381
Children of Henri de Bettencourt (III) and Dona Helena Mendes de Vasconcellos all born at Madeira, Portugal, were as follows:
+ 131 i. António Mendes de Vasconcellos was born circa 1519. He married Dona Filipa de Morães, daughter of Sabastião de Morães and Felipa Casco, on 13 Apr 1563 at Madeira, Portugal.
132 ii. Francisco de Bettencourt de Vasconcellos377,379,377,379,377 was also known as Francisco Betancur.379 He was born in 1519.377,379 He and Henri de Bettencourt (III) were taken captive in the Cabo de Gué or Turudante in 1541 at Africa.379 He escaped from Cabo de Gué.379 He had no children.377
133 iii. Rui Mendes de Vasconcellos377,377,377 was born after 1519.377 He had no children.377 He was Lord of the entails of his grandparents, with the ecclesiastical patronage of the main chapel of São Bernardino.377
+ 134 iv. João de Bettencourt de Vasconcellos was born in 1535. He married Dona Guiomar Ferreira, daughter of Francisco Leitão and Inês Ferreira, at Madeira, Portugal. He married Dona Branca Leitão, daughter of João Lourenço Leitão and Guimar Ferreira. He died on 12 Jul 1615.
135 v. Gaspar de Bettencourt de Vasconcellos377,377,377 was born after 1535.377 He had no children.377
136 vi. Braz de Bettencourt382,382,382 was born after 1535.382 He died circa 1570 at India.382
137 vii. Dona Izabel de Vasconcellos Bettencourt382,382,382 was also known as Dona Izabel de Vasconcellos Bettencourt.382 She was born after 1535.382 She married Manuel de Couto Cardoso, son of Francisco de Couto Cardoso and Dona Joanna Luminhana Berenguer, circa 1560.382
Manuel de Couto Cardoso382,382,382 was born circa 1535.382
75. Henrique de Bettencourt (Gaspard, Henri, Regnault Bethencourt, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean)293,9,318,316,326,383,9,318,316,318,293,383,9 was also known as Henrique de Betancor.383 He was also known as Henrique Betancur.316 He was also known as Henrique de Bettencourt e Sáa.315 He was born circa 1475 at São Miguel.383,9 He witnessed the reign of Manuel I as King of Portugal from 1495 to 1521.384 He was first heir of the entail of Água de Mel, Madeira, Portugal.306 He married Dona Maria de Azevedo, daughter of Manuel de Oliveira, at Évora, Portugal.316,324,383,9,318 He and Dona Maria de Azevedo had one child.383 He was in Safi, Morocco during the time of Nuño Fernandez de Ataide in 1510.316 He was a knight of the Royal House, serving King D. Manuel at court, who gave him land in São Miguel by the missive of 19 Jul 1513.383,318 He witnessed the governorship of Nuño de Ataide circa 1515 at Safi, Morocco.385 He was granted the black and white soap works of São Miguel by missive of 30 Oct 1517.318 In 1518 Henrique de Bettencourt accompanied D. Jaime, Duke of Bragança in the conquest of Azemmour, Morocco.316 After 1518 Os Bettencourt describes him as second heir of the soap trade that he inherited from his father, but the Nobiliário de Famílias states that he was given the rights to the soap trade of the Açores by King Manuel for his services in Africa.316,306 He died before 1541.310
Dona Maria de Azevedo324,383,9,318,316,383,318 was also known as Dona Maria de Andrade.316 She was born after 1480 at Portugal.316
Children of Henrique de Bettencourt and Dona Maria de Azevedo were:
138 i. Maria de Bettencourt386,321,383,386,321,383,386 was also known as Dona ? Betancur.321,383 She was born circa 1505 at São Miguel.383 She married Dom Álvaro de Luna, son of Dom Pedro de Gusmão, at São Miguel.321,383,386 She and Dom Álvaro de Luna had children.386
Dom Álvaro de Luna321,383,386,321,383,386 was born after 1490 at Madeira, Portugal.321
76. João de Bettencourt e Sá (Gaspard Bettencourt, Henri, Regnault Bethencourt, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean)387,387,316,297,326,9,12,387,316,293,9,12 was also known as Joam de Betancor.388 He was also known as João Betancur.316 He was also known as João de Bettencourt de Sá.297 He was also known as João de Bettencourt.288,9 He was also known as João de Bettencourt e Sáa.315 He was also known as João de Betancor de Sá.383 He was also known as João Betencourt Sá.12 He was born circa 1475 at Madeira, Portugal.316,9 He was a knight.389 He married Dona Guiomar de Sãopayo, daughter of Gonçalo Vaz Botelho o Moço, at São Miguel.390,293,391,9,12,318 He resided at São Miguel.316,297 He and Dona Guiomar de Sãopayo were the ancestors of the Bettencourt Sá Machado, Bettencourt Câmara Leme, and Bettencourt Cardoso families.288 He was the best horseman of the islands, picking many oranges from the ground on the trail, while running on the spur fillet, and also rode the horse while standing on the saddle, and had many other skills of a distinguished knight.383 He was third heir of the soap trade at Madeira, Portugal.306 He was second heir of the entail of Água de Mel, Madeira, Portugal, inheriting after his brother Henrique's death.306,318
Dona Guiomar de Sãopayo316,390,391,12 was also known as Guiomar Gonçalves.392 She was also known as Dona Guimar de San Payo.288 She was also known as Dona Guimar de Sam Payo.324 She was also known as Guiomar de Sampaio.9,12 She was also known as Guiomar Gonçalves Botelho.387,393 She was born circa 1470 at São Miguel.390
Children of João de Bettencourt e Sá and Dona Guiomar de Sãopayo all born at São Miguel were as follows:
+ 139 i. Simão Bettencourt e Sá was born circa 1490. He married Dona Margarida Gago, daughter of Luís Gago, at Ribeira Grande, São Miguel.
140 ii. Gaspar Bettencourt e Sáa (II) (suffix added for clarification)324,394,395,324,396,394,397,396,324 was also known as Gaspar de Bettencourt e Sá.396 He was also known as Gaspar Betancur.321 He was also known as Gaspar de Betancor.394 He was born circa 1490.321 He was married two times.321 He married Beatriz de Mello at São Miguel.394,396 He and Beatriz de Mello had no children.394,396 He married Dona Isabel Fernandes, daughter of António Lopes and Maria Falcoa, circa 1510.394,398 He and Dona Isabel Fernandes had no children.399,386,321
Beatriz de Mello394 was also known as Beatriz de Melo.396 She was born after 1480 at Graciosa.394 She was the daughter of the capitão of Graciosa.394,396
Dona Isabel Fernandes394,394,394 was also known as Isabel Fernandes.398 She was born after 1480.394
141 iii. António de Sá400,394,400,324,321,394,321,324,394,400 was also known as António de Sá Betancur.321 He was also known as António Bettencourt e Sáa.324 He was born circa 1490.321,394 He served in the military in Africa.321,394,400 He was never married.321,394,400
142 iv. Rui de Sá396,394,324,396,321,394,396,324,321 was also known as Ruy de Sá.321,394 He was also known as Ruy Bettencourt e Sáa.324 He was born circa 1490.394,321 He married Dona Maria de Cabeceiras, daughter of Bartholomeu Rodrigues da Serra, circa 1510 at São Miguel.321,401,394 The Nobiliário de Familias states that they had no children, but the Saudades da Terra and Genealpogias de São Miguel e Santa Maria state that they had many children, not giving any names.394,401,321
Dona Maria de Cabeceiras321,394,394 was born after 1480 at São Miguel.321
143 v. padre João de Bettencourt396,394,396,324,321,394,396,324,321 was also known as João Bettencourt e Sáa.324 He was also known as João de Betancor.394 He was also known as João Betancur.321 He was born circa 1490.321 He was a priest and beneficiary at São Sebastião (Matriz), Ponta Delgada, São Miguel.321,394,396
+ 144 vi. Margarida de Sá was born circa 1490. She married Gaspar do Rego Baldaia, son of Gonçalo do Rego, o Velho and Maria Baldaia, circa 1509 at São Miguel.
145 vii. Isabel Bettencourt e Sáa324,320,396,324,321,320,396,324,321 was also known as Isaebl de Madre de Deus.396 She was also known as Izabel de Mãe de Deus.321,320 She was born circa 1490.320 She was a nun at the Convento de Jesus, Ribeira Grande, São Miguel.321,320,396
+ 146 viii. Francisco de Bettencourt e Sá was born circa 1500. He married Dona Maria de Medeiros, daughter of Diogo Affonso Columbreiro, at São Miguel. He died in 1577.
79. Dona Guiomar de Sá (Gaspard Bettencourt, Henri, Regnault Bethencourt, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean)316,399,9,318,316,326,399,318,316,293,399,318 was also known as Guimar de Bettencourt e Sáa.315 She was also known as Guiomar de Bettencourt.9 She was born circa 1475 at Madeira, Portugal.316,9 She married António Juzarte de Mello, son of Pedro Juzarte.402,324,399,318,9 The three sisters, Brites, Guimar, and Isabel moved to Lisbon.310 She and António Juzarte de Mello had four daughters, almost all of whom went to Castile to serve the empress as her ladies in waiting, by reason of the influence of their aunt, Dona Beatriz (Brites).399 She married Dom Fernando de Castro at São Miguel.316,228,318 She and Dom Fernando de Castro had no children.228,318 She married Diogo Juzarte, son of Vasco de Oliveira Juzarte and Dona Antónia de Andrade, after 1520 at Madeira, Portugal.403 She was a lady-in-waiting of the Empress Isabel, wife of Charles V of Spain, Holy Roman Emperor at Castile, Spain.306 She witnessed the move of Isabella of Portugal, to marry Charles V of Spain, Holy Roman Emperor on 11 Mar 1526 at Castile, Spain.323 She died at São Miguel.228 She was buried in the high-altar of the Convento de São Francisco, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, to which she gave a chapel and a moio of wheat, forever, to the lepers of the island.228
António Juzarte de Mello404,324,399,404 was also known as António Zuzarte de Melo.9 He was also known as António Juzarte.9 He was also known as António Juzarte de Melo.318 He was born after 1475 at Évora, Portugal.404,399,318 He was a nobleman of the Royal House.405 He died, lost in an armada established by the Marquis of Ayamonte at Rio da Prata.399,318
Children of Dona Guiomar de Sá and António Juzarte de Mello were as follows:
147 i. Dona Beatriz (--?--)399,399,399 was born after 1500.399 She was a professed nun in the order of Santiago, and prioress many times at Toledo, Spain.399
148 ii. Dona Maria de Sá399,386,399,386,406,399,386,406 was also known as Dona Maria de Castro.406 She was born after 1500.399 She and Dom Francisco de Cisneiros had three sons and two daughters, ladies of the court.399 She married Dom Francisco de Cisneiros at Castile, Spain.399,386,406 She died before 1590.399
Dom Francisco de Cisneiros399,386 was also known as Francisco de Sisneiros.406 He was born after 1500 at Madrid, Spain.399,406 He was a nobleman of Castile.406 He was patron of studies at Alcalá, Spain, established by the Archbishop of Toledo, his uncle.399,386
149 iii. Dona Guiomar de Sá399,386,406,399,386,406,399,386,406 was born after 1500.399 She married Dom Luiz Valhegas.399,386 She and Dom Luiz Valhegas had five children.228
Dom Luiz Valhegas399 was also known as Dom Luiz Vanegas.406 He was also known as Dom Luiz Veegas.406 He was also known as Luís Vanhego.386 He was also known as Luis Venegas y Figueroa.9 He was born after 1500.399 He was the person in charge of providing lodgings for pensioners for King Philip, who came as ambassador to Portugal and was master of the horses of the queen, last wife of that king, and was sent to Bohemia to take care of this marriage and bring her back to Castile from Bohemia.399,386
+ 150 iv. Isabel de Sá was born after 1500. She married Dom João Coloma, son of Dom João Coloma and Dona Maria de Corodona, at Castile, Spain.
Dom Fernando de Castro228,318 was also known as Dom Francisco de Castro.316 He was born after 1450 at Madeira, Portugal.316
There were no children of Dona Guiomar de Sá and Dom Fernando de Castro.
Diogo Juzarte303,9,407,407 was born circa 1470 at Montemor-o-Velho, Portugal.303
Children of Dona Guiomar de Sá and Diogo Juzarte were as follows:
151 i. Vasco de Oliveira Juzarte408,408,408 was born circa 1520.408 He married Juliana da Fonseca de Andrade circa 1550.409 He and Juliana da Fonseca de Andrade had no children.409
Juliana da Fonseca de Andrade9 was also known as Dona Julianna da Fonseca de Andrade.409 She was born circa 1525.409
+ 152 ii. Dona Guiomar de Sá was born circa 1525. She married Nuno Mascarenhas circa 1550.
153 iii. Diogo Juzarte408,408,408 was born circa 1525.408 He married Policena de Azevedo circa 1550.408
Policena de Azevedo408 was born circa 1525.408
81. Margarida de Bettencourt e Sáa (Gaspard Bettencourt, Henri, Regnault Bethencourt, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean)315,316,326,9,12,316,293,9,12 was also known as Margarida de Bettencourt.209,9 She was also known as Dona Margarida de Betancor.228 She was also known as Dona Margarida de Bettencourt de Sá.235 She was also known as Margarida Bettencourt Sá.12 She was also known as Dona Margarida Betancur.316 She was also known as Dona Magdalena Betancur.410 She was also known as Margarida de Bettencourt e Sá.387 She was born circa 1480 at Madeira, Portugal.316,9 She married Pedro Rodrigues da Câmara, son of Rui Gonçalves da Câmara and Maria Rodrigues, at São Miguel.209,411,412,228,9,413 She and Pedro Rodrigues da Câmara had children who were ancestors of the Câmara de Bettencourt family.412 In 1536 Margarida de Bettencourt e Sáa and Pedro Rodrigues da Câmara founded in their own house at the Convento de Jesus, Ribeira Grande, São Miguel.316,310,387
Pedro Rodrigues da Câmara412,414,9,410,414,228,414 was also known as Pedro Rodrigues da Camera.411 He was also known as Pedro Ruy da Camara.228 He was also known as Pedro Roiz da Camara.235 He was born illegitimate circa 1450 at Madeira, Portugal.411,310,209 In 1507 Pedro Rodrigues da Câmara contracted with others the construction of the Matriz at Ribeira Grande, São Miguel.414 He was legitimized by D, Manuel in 1510.414 He was fourth capitão of the island at São Miguel.228 He left a will on 17 Feb 1541.414
Children of Margarida de Bettencourt e Sáa and Pedro Rodrigues da Câmara were as follows:
+ 154 i. João Rodrigues da Câmara was born circa 1500 at São Miguel. He married Helena Cabeça, daughter of João Rodrigues Cabeça. He married Catarina (--?--) at Serra da Estrela.
155 ii. Manuel da Câmara9,415,228,416,415,228,416 was also known as Manoel da Câmara.415,228 He was born circa 1500 at São Miguel.415 He died unmarried in India leaving one illegitimate child, although the Nobiliário de Famílias de Portugal states that he died in India as a child.415,416
156 iii. Simão da Câmara415,228,415,228,416,415,228,416 was also known as Simão da Camera.416 He was born circa 1500 at São Miguel.228 He was a great theologian.416 He died single at Lisboa, Portugal.415,416
157 iv. Rui Gonçalves da Câmara415,415,228,416,415,228,416 was also known as Ruy Gonçalves da Camera.416 He was also known as Ruy Gonçalves da Câmara.228 He was born after 1500 at São Miguel.228 He died single.415
158 v. António de Sá415,228,415,228,415,228 was born after 1500 at São Miguel.228 He died single at Ribeira Grande, São Miguel.415
+ 159 vi. Henrique Bettencourt da Câmara was born after 1500 at São Miguel. He married Simoa de Sousa, daughter of Baltazar Vaz de Souza, circa 1535 at Ribeira Grande, São Miguel. He died after 1 Nov 1575 at Ribeira Grande, São Miguel.
+ 160 vii. Dona Francisca da Câmara was born after 1500 at São Miguel. She married Dom António de Sousa, son of Dom Martinho de Tavora and Dona Isabel Pereira.
161 viii. Dona Maria da Câmara415,228,415,228,415,228 was born after 1500 at São Miguel.228 She died single.415
162 ix. Francisco de Sá416,416,416 was born circa 1505.416
82. Gaspar Perdomo (Gaspard Bettencourt, Henri, Regnault Bethencourt, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (perhaps an adaptation of the French Prudhomme)417,418,305,419,417,304,305,39,419,417,420,305 was also known as Gaspar Pordomo.419,304 He was also known as Gaspar Prodomo.305 He was born illegitimate circa 1500 at São Miguel.39,419,288,304 He was legitimized.39,421,304,305 He married Brites Velho, daughter of João Affonso Carcos and Leonor Velho, at Ponta Delgada, São Miguel.39,421,422,423 He had children.424 He was a councilman in 1540 at Ponta Delgada, São Miguel.305 In 1547 Gaspar entailed his property in his will, leaving one-third to his daughters Francisca and Simoa and, after them, to his son Ibonel de Bettencourt and his descendants.305
Brites Velho421,39,39,421,304,39,421,304 was also known as Beatriz Velha.422 She was also known as Beatriz Velho.423 She was born after 1475 at Madeira, Portugal.421
Children of Gaspar Perdomo and Brites Velho all born at São Miguel were as follows:
163 i. Ibonel de Bettencourt425,426,422,425,426,422,425 was also known as Ibonel Betancur.426 He was also known as Bibonel de Betancor.418 He was also known as Manoel de Betancor.304 He was also known as Ibonel de Betencor.427 He was also known as Bibonel de Bettencourt.425 He was born after 1525.426,422 He was married twice.422 He married Guiomar do Porto, daughter of João do Porto.425 He married Isabel Rodrigues, daughter of João Roiz Cavão and Izabel Gonçalves, at São Miguel.428,429 He and Isabel Rodrigues had no children.304,429 He and Isabel Rodrigues left a will on 3 Aug 1567 in which they state that they will be buried in their sepulchre in the transept of the Convento de São Francisco, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, where there is a tombstone with their name.429 He died on 3 Oct 1567.425
Guiomar do Porto425,425 was born circa 1525.425
Isabel Rodrigues430,431,431 was also known as Dona Izabel.432 She was born circa 1510 at São Miguel.304 She married Diogo Fernandes.431
164 ii. Francisca de Bettencourt425,426,422,425,426,422,425 was also known as Dona Francisca Betancur.426,422 She was born after 1525.426,422 She was never married.422,425
+ 165 iii. Simoa de Bettencourt was born after 1525. She married Dom João Pereira at Portugal.
166 iv. Baltazar de Bettencourt425,422,425,422,425 was also known as Balthasar de Betancor.422 He was born after 1525.422 He and Maria Gonçalves had no children.304,433 He married Maria Gonçalves.433 He was an alderman in 1564 at Ponta Delgada, São Miguel.425 He was superintendent in 1564 at Misericórdia, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel.425 He and Maria Gonçalves left a will on 14 Apr 1565.433 He was godfather for a baptism on 22 Mar 1575 at São Pedro, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel.425
Maria Gonçalves433 was born after 1525.433
+ 167 v. Belchior de Bettencourt was born after 1525. He married Leonor Ferreira.
87. Antão Gonçalves d'Ávila Bettencourt (João Bethencourt, Georges, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (standardized spelling)434,435,256,55,6,7,9,435,256,55,6,7,9 was also known as Antão Gonçalves de Ávila.436,252,6,7,9 He was also known as Antão Gonçalves d'Ávila Betencourt.434 He was also known as Antão Gonçalvez de Avilla.435 He was born circa 1440 at Castile, Spain.257,6,9 He married Dona Inês Gonçalves de Antona, daughter of Afonso Gonçalves de Antona and Ignes Rodrigues Fagundes, at Graciosa (Os Bettencourt gives the location of the marriage as Graçiosa, adding that the bride brought, as her dowry, lands which her father possessed there, but the Nobiliário de Famílias de Portugal gives the location as Villa de Praia, Terceira).435,6,7,9,23,436,251 He and Dona Inês Gonçalves de Antona had seven children.437 He and Dona Inês Gonçalves de Antona resided at Praia da Vitória, Terceira.437 Antão Gonçalves d'Ávila Bettencourt and João Sanchez Gonçalves de Ávila came to live in Terceira, being Castilian, to become one of those who followed the Comunidades in the time of Emperor Charles V.344,345 Emperor Charles V reigned between 1519 and 1558 at the Holy Roman Empire.346 This branch came from Spain to Almeida and then to the Açores, establishing themselves on Terceira when it was under Castilian domination.252,57
Dona Inês Gonçalves de Antona438,6,7,9,435,439,7,440 was also known as Inês Gonçalves de Antona.23 She was also known as Ignes Gonçalvez Antona.441 She was also known as Inês Gonçalves Antona.55 She was born circa 1470 at Terceira.441,7
Children of Antão Gonçalves d'Ávila Bettencourt and Dona Inês Gonçalves de Antona were as follows:
+ 168 i. Melchior Gonçalves de Ávila (I) was born after 1490 at Graciosa. He married Dona Inês Gomes Freire, daughter of Gomes Lourenço and Iria Vaz Freire, at Graciosa.
+ 169 ii. Dona Maria Gonçalves de Ávila was born circa 1500 at Praia da Vitória, Terceira. She married Antão Fernandes Leal circa 1520 at Terceira.
170 iii. Dona Felipa Gonçalves de Ávila (I) (suffix added for clarification)442,442,442 was born circa 1500 at Praia da Vitória, Terceira.437 She married João Vaz Nogueira at Terceira.443
João Vaz Nogueira443 was born circa 1500 at Graciosa.443
89. Inês Peraza de Las Casas (III) (Inês, Inês Bethencourt, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (suffix added for clarification)248,349,349 was born circa 1430 at Spain.248 She married Diego Garcia de Herrera, son of Pedro Garcia Herrera and Dona Maria de Ayala y Sarmiento.349 She and Diego Garcia de Herrera resided at Lanzarote, Islas Canarias, Spain.347 Inês Peraza de Las Casas (III) and Diego Garcia de Herrera inherited the lordship of Islas Canarias.349 After 1485, after she became a widow, Inês Peraza de Las Casas (III) resided at Betancuria, Fuerteventura, Islas Canarias, Spain.347 She died in 1503 at Betancuria, Fuerteventura, Islas Canarias, Spain.347
Diego Garcia de Herrera349,248,248 was born circa 1430 at Spain.248 He resided at Betancuria, Fuerteventura, Islas Canarias, Spain, and Lanzarote.248 He died in 1485 at Lanzarote, Islas Canarias, Spain.347
Children of Inês Peraza de Las Casas (III) and Diego Garcia de Herrera both born at Islas Canarias were as follows:
171 i. Maria de Ayala (her last name taken from her paternal grandmother)349,248,248 was born circa 1450.248 She married Diogo da Silva de Menezes, son of Rui Gomes da Silva and Dona Isabel de Menezes, at Islas Canarias.248 She remained with 1/3 of the revenue from Fuerteventura and Lanzarote.248
Diogo da Silva de Menezes444,444,444 was also known as Diogo de Menezes da Silva.445 He was born circa 1440.248 He was taken prisoner by the Moors in Tangier and later ransomed.445 He was named by Dom Manuel I as Count of Portalegre, but never assumed the title because the populace opposed him.445 In 1466 the Infante Dom Fernando sent to the Canary Islands an expedition commanded by Diogo.445
+ 172 ii. Hernán Peraza (II) was born after 1450. He married Beatriz de Bobadilla, daughter of Juan Fernandez de Bobadilla and Dona Leonor Osório de Ayala.
91. Jean de Bethencourt (VII) (Louis, Jean, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (suffix added for clarification)446,270,79,270,79 was also known as João de Bettencourt.79 He was born on 2 Dec 1497 at Caux, France.269 He was an inspector at Rouen, France.269 He married Marie de Biville in 1521 at Rouen, France.269,79 He and Marie de Biville had seven children.269
Marie de Biville269 was also known as Maria de Beville.79 She was born circa 1500 at France.269
Children of Jean de Bethencourt (VII) and Marie de Biville all born at Rouen, France, were as follows:
173 i. Nicolas de Bethencourt269,269,269 was born circa 1523.269
174 ii. Jean de Bethencourt (VIIIB) (suffix added for clarification (Os Bettencourt lists him as Jean (VIII) , but also lists the son of Jacques (I) as Jean (VIII))269,269,269 was born circa 1524.269
175 iii. Antoine de Bethencourt (II) (suffix added for clarification)269,269,269 was born circa 1525.269
176 iv. Jacqueline de Bethencourt269,269,269 was born circa 1526.269 She died in 1541.269
177 v. Mathieu de Bethencourt (II) (suffix added for clarification)447,447,79,269,79 was also known as Matheus de Bettencourt.79 He was born on 5 Sep 1528.447 He married Bonne D'Espinay, daughter of Robert D'Espinay and Christine de Saints.448,79 After 1550 Mathieu de Bethencourt (II) was Lord of Béthencourt, Sigy-en-Bray, France, and of Folleville.448 He and Bonne D'Espinay had no children.448,79 He died on 23 Dec 1576 at France at age 48.448
Bonne D'Espinay448,448,79,448 was also known as Bonne de Espinai.79 She was born circa 1530 at France.448
95. Jacques de Bethencourt (II) (Louis, Jean, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (suffix added for clarification)446,270,79,268,79 was also known as Jacques de Bettencourt.79 He was born on 25 Sep 1511 at Caux, France.269 He married Marguerite Renaud in 1535.269,79
Marguerite Renaud269 was also known as Marguerite Richard.269 She was also known as Margarida Regnaut.79 She was born circa 1515 at France.269
Children of Jacques de Bethencourt (II) and Marguerite Renaud all born at France were as follows:
99. Jean de Bethencourt (VIII) (Jacques, Jean, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (suffix added for clarification (Os Bettencourt lists him as Jean (VIII) , but also lists the son of Jean (VII) as Jean (VIII). Therefore this son of Jean (VII) is numbered (VIIIB) in this file)269,269,132,269 was also known as João de Bettencourt.132 He was born after 1500 at Rouen, France.269 He was a squire.269,132 Jean de Bethencourt (VIII) was Lord of Béthencourt, Sigy-en-Bray, France, , Mauquenchy, Randillon, Saint-Pierre, Quesnay, Glatigny, Huqueleu, and Guenoville (or Guinonville).269,132 He married Marie Le Clerc.269,132 He and Marie Le Clerc had two children. In spite of this statement, Os Bettencourt also refers to a sister of Anne, of unknown name.269 He was still alive in 1548.269
Marie Le Clerc269 was also known as Maria Oclere.132 She was born circa 1500 at France.269
Children of Jean de Bethencourt (VIII) and Marie Le Clerc were as follows:
+ 181 i. Gallien de Bethencourt (I) was born circa 1540 at France. He married Marie Ygou.
182 ii. Anne de Bethencourt (I) (suffix added for clarification)447,269,269 was born circa 1545 at France.269 She married Jean Toustain circa 1570.448
Jean Toustain448 was born circa 1535 at France.448
183 iii. ? Bethencourt (listed in Os Bettencourt as Anne (I)'s sister but of unknown name)448,448,448 was born before 1548 at Rouen, France.448 She married ? Monnet.448
? Monnet448 was born circa 1540 at Tancourt, France.448 He was a squire.448 ? Monnet was Lord of Tancourt, France.448
104. Isaac de Bethencourt (Jean, Jean, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean)449,449 was born after 1510 at Marseille, France.450 He was a sailor and trader like his father and maintained commerce with the Canary Islands at Marseille, France.450 When the plague attacked Marseille, he moved to Normandy at age 14 arriving by himself, and later establishing himself in Guerbaville, near the Seine.450,11 He married Adrienne Gorgil at Guerbaville la Mailleraye, France.11
Adrienne Gorgil11 was born circa 1530.11
Children of Isaac de Bethencourt and Adrienne Gorgil all born at Guerbaville la Mailleraye, France, were as follows:
+ 184 i. Guillaume de Bethencourt was born in 1554. He married Marie Vallois at Guerbaville la Mailleraye, France. He died in 1618.
185 ii. Marie de Bethencourt11,11,11 was born in 1564.11
186 iii. Catherine de Bethencourt11,11,11 was born in 1568.11
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