Bettencourts 1200-2000
Generation Nine
31. Jean de Bethencourt (XI) (Pierre, Collard, Regnault, Regnault, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (suffix added for clarification)271,271,271 was born after 1482 at Mauquenchy.271 He was a squire.68 Jean de Bethencourt (XI) was Lord of La Caussée de Randillon, France.68 He married Marie de Martimbosc.68 He and Marie de Martimbosc had five children.68
Marie de Martimbosc68 was born after 1485 at France.68
Children of Jean de Bethencourt (XI) and Marie de Martimbosc all born at Mauquenchy were as follows:
53 i. Adrienne de Bethencourt68,68,68 was born circa 1510.68
54 ii. Marguerite de Bethencourt68,68,68 was born circa 1520.68
55 iii. Phillipe de Bethencourt68,68,68 was born circa 1530.68
+ 56 iv. Jean de Bethencourt (XII) was born circa 1530. He married Marguerite de Launay on 16 Apr 1559. He died circa 1590.
+ 57 v. Nicolas de Bethencourt (I) was born after 1530. He married Catherine Le Long on 9 Jul 1566.
33. Marguérite de Béthencourt (Maciot Bethencourt, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean)37,35,55,136,41,247,233,201,136,41,201,136 was also known as Margarida de Bethencourt.241 She was also known as Margarida de Bettencourt.9,201 She was born circa 1405 of a French mother.248
The Ascendência e Descendência do Conselheiro Nicolau Anastácio de Bettencourt gives Marguérite de Béthencourt's father as Jean IV instead of Maciot. It also states that Jean IV married a second time, in 1415, to Lerize Guardateme, Princess of the Royal House of the Canarias and Lady of the Island of Lanzarote, Marguérite's mother. In a note, however, it states that various authors give Marguérite's father as Maciot.56 She married Henri de Bettencourt, son of Regnault de Bethencourt (IV) and Felipa de Troyes, at Islas Canarias (uncle and neice (or cousins)).37,41,246,35,55,216,9,56,201,136 She moved to Madeira with her father, sister, and two cousins in 1448.39,172,196
Henri de Bettencourt35,9,237,40,35,55,238,239,12,35,55,175,12 was also known as Henrique de Bethancourt.40 He was also known as Henri de Béthencourt.37 He was also known as Henrique Betancur.240 He was also known as Henri de Bethencourt.241,55 He was also known as Henrique de Bettencourt.242,12,201 He was born illegitimate circa 1390 at France.240 On 9 May 1405 he left with his kinsman Jean de Bethencourt for the Canary Islands.183,243 After 1406 Henri de Bettencourt was Lord of the Islas Canarias.237,244 There has been much discussion concerning whom Henri married. It is certain that he married Maciot's daughter, his own niece, but genealogists differ as to which daughter.
Suarez and Oliveira judged that he married the daughter of Teguise named Inês Margarida. On the other hand, knowing that Inês married a French nobleman who lived in Lanzarote by the name of Jean Arriete Prud'homme (or Ariete, Arriete, Aeriette, Aristo Prodomo, Pardomo, or Perdomo), some genealogists claim that Henri de Bettencourt and Jean Prud'homme are the same person. They recall that the word Prud'homme was used in the Middle Ages to designate certain magistrates, and assert, without any proof, that such was the case with Henri who took this name from his office. The principal argument in favor of this is that the grandchildren of Henri used, in one case, the proper name of Arriete, and, in another case, the surname Perdomo. However, there is no indication that Henri ever changed his first name to Jean.
Against this assertion, Bergeron argues that Henri married his niece Marguerite, the legitimate daughter of Maciot and a French woman, and that Jean Perdomo married the illegitimate Inês Margarida. This is the line followed by Portuguese genealogists. An argument in favor of this is the different destinations of the sisters - Teguise's daughter, Inês Margarida, lived in the Canary Islands, while Marguerite moved with her father to Madeira.
According to Carlos Machado's Genealogies, however, Henri married Lerida Guiardatame and the two became the parents of Maciot and Gaspar.245,12 Henri was in control of the family business in Ávila, Castile while Maciot was in charge of thre Canary Islands. He was ultimately the ancestor of the Ávila Bettencourt family of the Açores.195 In 1448 he moved to Madeira.79 He married Lerianda de Gardaleme at France (possible spouse;with no issue. Carlos Machado's Genealogies gives the marriage location as Spain).39,12,136
Children of Marguérite de Béthencourt and Henri de Bettencourt were as follows:
58 i. Henri de Bethencourt (II) was born circa 1430 at France. He married Dona Isabel Fernandes Tavares, daughter of Vasco Esteves and Joanna Tavares, at Ribeira Brava, Madeira, Portugal. He died circa 1500 at Ribeira Brava, Madeira, Portugal. (see # 38).
59 ii. Gaspard de Bettencourt (I) o Francês was born circa 1440 at France. He married Dona Guiomar de Sá, daughter of João Rodrigues de Sá and D. Francisca de Souza, at Lisboa, Portugal; they were married in the house of Dona Violanta, Guiomar's first cousin, wife of the Count of Castanheira. Fructuoso, in his Saudades da Terra, relates an entertaining story concerning the couple: Guiomar de Sá was walking in the Court, making a certain devotion to Saint John, or another saint, expecting that, on the last day, the first man she heard named by the same name would be the husband she would marry, whether he were Portuguese or not. As is the custom of women, or the superstitious, or the intemperate, very desirous of knowing what will happen to them, the devil responds as successor, God permitting that they be deceived by him, or sometimes upheld. It followed on the day and time that Gaspard de Bettencourt was to kiss the king's hand, dressed in green, and on the day before he saw him, Guiomar de Sá heard, a sound coming to her ears, that the man she would marry would be French, and the first time she saw him, he would be dressed in green, as he was. With successes like these, the devil many times deceives many women, they become very superstitious, like this one. He died in 1522 at São Miguel, Açores. He was buried in the chancel of the mother church of São Sebastião (Matriz), Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, with license from the king for a tomb for him, his wife, and his children, as well as permission to hang above the tomb his coat of arms with a banner hanging down, as it was for some years, until the church was demolished to enlarge it. (see # 39).
60 iii. Maciot de Bettencourt (II) was born circa 1450. He married ? Guevara before 1470 at Castile, Spain. He married Lesisa Guanartème, daughter of Armide Lacocon, at Islas Canarias. He died before 1524. (see # 40).
35. Rodrigo de Bethencourt (Maciot, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean)272,57,136,211,210,57,181,136,190,136 was also known as Dom Rodrigo Betancur.211 He was also known as Dom Rodrigo de Bettencourt.181 He was born illegitimate after 1415 at Islas Canarias.273,55,136 The Nobiliário de Madeira states that he died young, single, without children.181 He lived for a time in Madeira and then, while still young, returned to the Canary Islands.274
Children of Rodrigo de Bethencourt include:
+ 61 i. Dona Anna de Bethencourt was born after 1435 at Islas Canarias. She married Dom Gonçalo de Aguilar, son of Affonco Fernandes de Cordova and Dona Izabel de Figueiroa, at Gáldar, Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias, Spain.
37. Inês Margarida de Bethencourt (Maciot, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean)210,210,181,206,92,171,275,136,190,206,171,275,136 was also known as Dona Leonor de Bettencourt.181 She was also known as Margarita Leonor de Bethencourt.206,171 She was also known as Leonor Margarita de Béthencourt.92,206 She was also known as Inés Margarita de Bethencourt.275 She was also known as Leonor de Bethencourt.276 She was also known as Inés Leonor Margarita de Bethencourt.136 She was born illegitimate circa 1420 at Islas Canarias.190,136 She and Jean Arriete Prud'homme were the ancestors of the Bethencourts of the Canary Islands (Lanzarote).232,171 She married Jean Arriete Prud'homme at Islas Canarias.276,181,171,92,275,136 She left a will on 4 Jun 1480 in her husband's house at Arrieta, Lanzarote, Islas Canarias, Spain.274,275
Jean Arriete Prud'homme276 was also known as Jean Arriete Perdomo.274 He was also known as Ariste Perdome.181 He was also known as Don Juan Arriette Preud Domme.206,171 He was also known as Jean Arriete Pordomo.274 He was also known as Jean Arriete Prodomo.274 He was also known as Juan Arriete Perdomo.92 He was also known as Jean Arriete Perdomo Melián.136 He was born before 1400 at France.232 He was a French nobleman and companion of Jean de Bethencourt.274,181 He gave his name to a village on the island of Lanzarote - Arrieta - where he lived and built his house.274
Children of Inês Margarida de Bethencourt and Jean Arriete Prud'homme all born at Arrieta, Lanzarote, Islas Canarias, Spain, were as follows:
+ 62 i. Dona Elvira de Bethencourt was born after 1450. She married Jean Mélian, son of Jean Mélian and Catherine Boulanger.
+ 63 ii. Margarida Bethencourt was born after 1450. She married Juan Pérez de Munguía y Aguirre, son of Perucho de Bilbao and Doña Elivira de Munguía, circa 1480.
64 iii. Leonor de Bethencourt136,136,136 was born after 1450.136 She married Alonso de la Mota circa 1480.136
Alonso de la Mota136 was born circa 1450.136
65 iv. Inês Bethencourt274,274,274 was born circa 1455.274
66 v. Martinho Bethencourt274,274,274 was born circa 1455.274
67 vi. Guilherme Bethencourt274,274,274 was born circa 1455.274
68 vii. Miguel Bethencourt274,274,274 was born circa 1455.274

38. Henri de Bethencourt (II) (Henri Bettencourt, Regnault Bethencourt, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (suffix added for clarification)241,37,277,35,55,9,83,278,37,279,35,55,9 was also known as Henrique de Bettencourt o Francês.9,280 He was also known as Henrique de Béthencourt.37,55 He was also known as Henrique Betancur.278 He was also known as Henrique de Bettencourt.41,35 He was also known as Henri le Français.281 He was born circa 1430 at France.282,278,9 He immigrated with his uncle in 1448 to Ribeira Brava, Madeira, Portugal.198,39,283,41,196,83 He married Dona Isabel Fernandes Tavares, daughter of Vasco Esteves and Joanna Tavares, at Ribeira Brava, Madeira, Portugal.37,41,284,35,55,9,285 He and Dona Isabel Fernandes Tavares the ancestors of the Bettencourts of Madeira.232 Henri (II) inherited lands situated in Ribeira Brava, in an area called Bandas do Além (and ceded the lands of the "sesmarias").202 He died circa 1500 at Ribeira Brava, Madeira, Portugal.202,57,9,285
Dona Isabel Fernandes Tavares37,284,9,202,285,202,285 was also known as Izabel Fernandes Tavares.35,55,285 She was born circa 1430 at Ribeira Brava, Madeira, Portugal.37,57,9
Children of Henri de Bethencourt (II) and Dona Isabel Fernandes Tavares all born at Ribeira Brava, Madeira, Portugal, were as follows:
+ 69 i. Jean de Bethencourt le Vieux was born circa 1450. He married Bárbara Gomes Ferreira, daughter of João Gomes o Trovador and Dona Guimar Ferreira, in 1493 at Madeira, Portugal.
+ 70 ii. Jean de Bethencourt le Chevalier was born circa 1450. He married Dona Guiomar Ferreira, daughter of João Gomes o Trovador and Dona Guimar Ferreira, circa 1480 at Madeira, Portugal. He died during the lifetime of his mother.
71 iii. Gaspard de Bettencourt (II) (suffix added for clarification)286,287,288,9,287,288,9 was also known as Gaspar Betancur.287 He was also known as Gaspar de Bettencourt.9,285 He was born circa 1470.202,9 Gaspard de Bettencourt (II) moved to the islands of the Açores.241 He was never married.289,9,285 He had one illegitimate child.290,9
+ 72 iv. Marie de Bettencourt was born circa 1470. She married Álvaro Vaz at Madeira, Portugal. She married Antão Vilela.
73 v. Dona Catherine de Bettencourt286,288,9,288,9 was also known as Catarina de Bettencourt.9 She was also known as Dona Catharina de Bettencourt.285 She was born circa 1470.286 She married Pedro Brito de Oliveira Pestana, son of Mem de Brito Oliveira and Dona Hellena de Vasconcellos, at Madeira, Portugal.290,9,285 She and Pedro Brito de Oliveira Pestana were the ancestors of the Bettencourt Brito Oliveira family.291
Pedro Brito de Oliveira Pestana290,289,292 was also known as Pedro de Brito de Oliveira.285 He was also known as Pedro Oliveira Brito Pestana.9 He was born circa 1470 at Madeira, Portugal.288 He was a noble squire.289
+ 74 vi. Henri de Bettencourt (III) was born after 1493. He married Dona Helena Mendes de Vasconcellos, daughter of Rui Mendes de Vasconcelos and Dona Isabel Corrêa, at Madeira, Portugal. He died after 1560.
39. Gaspard de Bettencourt (I) o Francês (Henri, Regnault Bethencourt, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (number designation added for clarification)293,294,295,296,9,12,201,279,9,201 was also known as Gaspar de Bettencourt.296,221 He was also known as Gaspar Betancur.294 He was also known as Gaspar de Bettencourt o Francês.297,9,83 He was also known as Gaspard de Bethencourt (I) suffix added for clarification.298 He was also known as Gaspar de Bethencourt.55 He was also known as Gaspar de Bethancourt.38,39 He was also known as Gaspar de Betencurt.213 He was born circa 1440 at France.293 He immigrated in 1448 to Madeira with his uncle.38,198,39,172,41,196,83 He married Dona Guiomar de Sá, daughter of João Rodrigues de Sá and D. Francisca de Souza, at Lisboa, Portugal; they were married in the house of Dona Violanta, Guiomar's first cousin, wife of the Count of Castanheira. Fructuoso, in his Saudades da Terra, relates an entertaining story concerning the couple: Guiomar de Sá was walking in the Court, making a certain devotion to Saint John, or another saint, expecting that, on the last day, the first man she heard named by the same name would be the husband she would marry, whether he were Portuguese or not. As is the custom of women, or the superstitious, or the intemperate, very desirous of knowing what will happen to them, the devil responds as successor, God permitting that they be deceived by him, or sometimes upheld. It followed on the day and time that Gaspard de Bettencourt was to kiss the king's hand, dressed in green, and on the day before he saw him, Guiomar de Sá heard, a sound coming to her ears, that the man she would marry would be French, and the first time she saw him, he would be dressed in green, as he was. With successes like these, the devil many times deceives many women, they become very superstitious, like this one.38,39,299,297,300,55,213,9,221 Gaspard de Bettencourt (I) o Francês and Dona Guiomar de Sá founded a chapel in the Sé of Lisboa or Basilica of Santa Maria Maior in which they placed a full-size image of Our Lady of Bettencourt. Much later, the stone image was clothed and crowned.226
He and Dona Guiomar de Sá were the ancestors of the Bettencourt e Sáa line of the Açores (São Miguel) at Nueva Granada.301,83
Gaspard de Bettencourt (I) o Francês and Dona Maria de Bethencourt were the first Bettencourts to reach the Açores, whose settlement, begun in 1444, was not far advanced.222 He and Dona Guiomar de Sá had seven children.226 He and Maria Dias were in a relationship that produced a son, Gaspar Perdomo.302,303,304,305 Gaspard de Bettencourt (I) o Francês was first administrator of the entail of Água de Mel, Madeira, Portugal.39,297,306,307 He inherited the rights to the soap trade of Madeira from his aunt and uncle.226,307 On 1 Apr 1505 Gaspard (I) obtained confirmation from King D. Manuel I of the Bettencourt blazon of amrs.308,57,309,201 He went in his aunt's company to the island of São Miguel.57,9 In 1513 he formed part of the force which, under the command of D. Jaime, Duke of Bragança, conquered Azemmour, Morocco.226 On 12 May 1521 he was a noble knight of the Household of the King by decree.221 He died in 1522 at São Miguel, Açores.12,310,228,235,221 He was buried in the chancel of the mother church of São Sebastião (Matriz), Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, with license from the king for a tomb for him, his wife, and his children, as well as permission to hang above the tomb his coat of arms with a banner hanging down, as it was for some years, until the church was demolished to enlarge it.311,312,221
Dona Guiomar de Sá38,39,299,55,213,9,12,307,39,299,297,12,313,235 was also known as Dona Guiomar de Sáa.314 She was born circa 1450.9 She was Dama do Paço.221 She married Fernão Alvares da Maia after 1522 at Madeira, Portugal.39,311 She left a will on 1 Aug 1543.221 She died in 1547 at São Miguel.304,12,221 She was buried in the chancel of São Sebastião (Matriz), Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, with her husband Gaspar.304
Children of Gaspard de Bettencourt (I) o Francês and Dona Guiomar de Sá were as follows:
+ 75 i. Henrique de Bettencourt was born circa 1475 at São Miguel. He married Dona Maria de Azevedo, daughter of Manuel de Oliveira, at Évora, Portugal. He died before 1541.
+ 76 ii. João de Bettencourt e Sá was born circa 1475 at Madeira, Portugal. He married Dona Guiomar de Sãopayo, daughter of Gonçalo Vaz Botelho o Moço, at São Miguel.
77 iii. Rafael de Bettencourt e Sáa315,316,226,317,318,316,317 was also known as Rafael Betancur.316 He was also known as Rafael de Bettencourt.318 He was born after 1477 at São Miguel.316,317 In contradiction to other sources, according to Genealogias de São Miguel e Santa Maria, Rafael, although dull-witted, married Margarida Gonçalves who made a will 18 Dec 1555, while her husband was still living. Nevertheless, all sources agree that he died childless. Genealogias also states that Rafael was illegitimate, not the son of Guiomar de Sá.318,317,316 He died single after 18 Dec 1555.318,316,226
78 iv. Dona Brites de Sá316,316,319,320,9,316,293,320,9 was also known as Brites de Bettencourt.9 She was also known as Brites de Bettencourt e Sáa.315 She was also known as Dona Beatriz de Sá.320,318 She was born circa 1475 at Madeira, Portugal.321,9 The three sisters, Brites, Guimar, and Isabel moved to Lisbon.310 King João III, reigned 1521-1557, lived between 1502 and 1557.322 Dona Brites was brought up with King João III.320 She was Lady-in-waiting to Queen D. Maria, second wife of D. Manuel I, o Venturoso at Lisboa, Portugal.310 She married Pedro Lasso la Vega at Castile, Spain.316,306,320,9,318 She and Pedro Lasso la Vega had no children.316,320,318 King Manuel I gave her six moios of wheat each year as a pension, produce from the land of Martin Vaz, accountant. Later, after her death, this favor was transferred to her sister, Dona Izabel.320 She was the prettiest lady of the Portuguese Court, having ballads that are dedicated to her in the Cancioneiro de Garcia de Resende.318 She was a lady-in-waiting of the Empress Isabel, wife of Charles V of Spain, Holy Roman Emperor at Castile, Spain.306,320,318 She witnessed the move of Isabella of Portugal, to marry Charles V of Spain, Holy Roman Emperor on 11 Mar 1526 at Castile, Spain.323 By the missive of 2 Dec 1526, D. João III made her a grant of the white and black soap factories of São Miguel, the same way that his brother Henrique had done and conceded other grants to her.318
Pedro Lasso la Vega324 was also known as Pedro Lasso de Vega.318 He was also known as Pedro Lasso de Lavega.316 He was also known as Pedro Laço de la Vega.310 He was also known as Pedro Lasso da Veiga.320 He was also known as Pedro Lasso de La Vega.9 He was born circa 1470 at Castile, Spain.316 Pedro Lasso la Vega was Lord of Arcos, Castile, Spain, Brateris, and Carcos.316,310 His titles were confiscated to be Head of the Comunidades of Castile.316,310 His titles were restored by his marriage through the influence of the Empress.316,325,320 He married Isabel de Bettencourt e Sáa (brother- and sister-in-law), daughter of Gaspard de Bettencourt (I) o Francês and Dona Guiomar de Sá, at Castile, Spain.316,306,320,9,318 He and Isabel de Bettencourt e Sáa had no children.316,320,318
+ 79 v. Dona Guiomar de Sá was born circa 1475 at Madeira, Portugal. She married António Juzarte de Mello, son of Pedro Juzarte. She married Dom Fernando de Castro at São Miguel. She married Diogo Juzarte, son of Vasco de Oliveira Juzarte and Dona Antónia de Andrade, after 1520 at Madeira, Portugal. She died at São Miguel. She was buried in the high-altar of the Convento de São Francisco, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, to which she gave a chapel and a moio of wheat, forever, to the lepers of the island.
80 vi. Isabel de Bettencourt e Sáa315,316,326,320,9,316,293,320,9 was also known as Dona Izabel de Sá.316,327,328 She was also known as Isabel de Bettencourt.9 She was also known as Isabel de Sá.318 She was born circa 1475 at Madeira, Portugal.316,9 The three sisters, Brites, Guimar, and Isabel moved to Lisbon.310 Isabel de Bettencourt e Sáa was chief lady-in-waiting who brought up the Queen of Bohemia, wife of Emperor Maximilian II.316,329 She was a lady-in-waiting of the Empress Isabel, wife of Charles V of Spain, Holy Roman Emperor at Castile, Spain.306,320,318 She witnessed the move of Isabella of Portugal, to marry Charles V of Spain, Holy Roman Emperor on 11 Mar 1526 at Castile, Spain.323 She married Dom Fernando Sanegos at Castile, Spain (he was her sister's widowed husband).306,9,318 She and Pedro Lasso la Vega had no children.316,320,318 She married Pedro Lasso la Vega (brother- and sister-in-law) at Castile, Spain.316,306,320,9,318 She gave the land for the chapel of Corpo Santo in Ponta Delgada.318 She died in 1574 at Castile, Spain.304,318
Dom Fernando Sanegos306,9 was born circa 1500 at Madeira Islands, Portugal.324
Pedro Lasso la Vega324 was also known as Pedro Lasso de Vega.318 He was also known as Pedro Lasso de Lavega.316 He was also known as Pedro Laço de la Vega.310 He was also known as Pedro Lasso da Veiga.320 He was also known as Pedro Lasso de La Vega.9 He was born circa 1470 at Castile, Spain.316 Pedro Lasso la Vega was Lord of Arcos, Castile, Spain, Brateris, and Carcos.316,310 His titles were confiscated to be Head of the Comunidades of Castile.316,310 He married Dona Brites de Sá, daughter of Gaspard de Bettencourt (I) o Francês and Dona Guiomar de Sá, at Castile, Spain.316,306,320,9,318 He and Dona Brites de Sá had no children.316,320,318 His titles were restored by his marriage through the influence of the Empress.316,325,320
+ 81 vii. Margarida de Bettencourt e Sáa was born circa 1480 at Madeira, Portugal. She married Pedro Rodrigues da Câmara, son of Rui Gonçalves da Câmara and Maria Rodrigues, at São Miguel.
Maria Dias303 was born circa 1470 at Madeira, Portugal.303
Children of Gaspard de Bettencourt (I) o Francês and Maria Dias were:
+ 82 i. Gaspar Perdomo was born illegitimate circa 1500 at São Miguel. He married Brites Velho, daughter of João Affonso Carcos and Leonor Velho, at Ponta Delgada, São Miguel.

40. Maciot de Bettencourt (II) (Henri, Regnault Bethencourt, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (suffix added for clarification)288,55,9,12,39,330,55,9,83,12,39,279,55,9,12 was also known as Maciot Perdomo de Béthencourt.92 He was also known as Maciot de Bethancourt.39 He was also known as Maciot de Bethencourt (II).331 He was also known as Meciote de Bettencourt.83 He was born circa 1450.331,332 Several sources give a different anecstry for this Maciot. For example, Historia de Familias Cubanas gives Maciot's father as Juan Arriete Perdomo and his mother as Leonor Margarita de Béthencourt (daughter of Maciot de Bethencourt, governor of the Canary Isalnds). Considering the names of this Maciot's chicldren, this ancestry has some validity but most histories prefer the lineage given here.92 His arms are: on a silver field, a rampant lion of gules; other branches use: on a silver field, a rampant lion of sable.92 He married ? Guevara before 1470 at Castile, Spain.39 He married Lesisa Guanartème, daughter of Armide Lacocon, at Islas Canarias.333,9,83,92 Maciot and Lesisa founded the chapel of Santa Ana in Gáldar, Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias, Spain.334 He and Lesisa Guanartème were the ancestors of the Bettencourts (or Bethencourts) of the Canary Islands (Gran Canária).335 He resided at least until 1478 at Lanzarote, Islas Canarias, Spain.274 He resided after 1478 at Gáldar, Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias, Spain.274 He was administrator at Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias, Spain.274 He died before 1524.334
? Guevara39 was born circa 1420 at Castile, Spain.39
There were no children of Maciot de Bettencourt (II) and ? Guevara.
Lesisa Guanartème (her name after converting to Catholicism)336,274,337 was also known as Lerija Guanartème.334 She was also known as Lessina Guanartème.9 She was also known as Lerida de Guardateme.83 She was also known as Tenesioya Vindina, her name before converting to Catholicism.190 She was also known as Luísa Guanartème.338,9 She was also known as Lessisa Guanartème.339 She was also known as Tenesoya Vindina.274 She was also known as Lésisa de Guardateme.83 She was also known as Doña Luisa Guanarteme.92 She was born circa 1450 at Islas Canarias.203 She was a native girl from the Canary Islands, niece of Guanartème de Telde (Gran Canaria).340 She died in 1531.334
Children of Maciot de Bettencourt (II) and Lesisa Guanartème all born at Gáldar, Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias, Spain, were as follows:
83 i. Arriete de Bethencourt341,342,342 was born after 1470.341
84 ii. Maria de Bethencourt334,334,334 was born after 1470.334
85 iii. João de Bethencourt334,334,334 was born after 1470.334
86 iv. André de Bethencourt334,39,334,83,334,83 was also known as André de Bethancourt.39 He was also known as André de Bettencourt.83 He was born after 1475.39,83 He went to France.39 In 1501 Jean de Bethencourt (V) received the visit of his cousin André de Bethencourt, grandson of Maciot. André and his siblings had lost touch with their relatives in Normandy. André wished to reestablish relations with the family there. Jean (V) received him cordially and gave him a summary of the Chronicle of the Canary Islands as well as information about his ancestors and a biography of Jean (IV) - with which André proposed to defend his supposed rights to the island legacy of the Conqueror.82,83 On 2 Apr 1502 on his return from France, André stopped in Seville to have the documents authenticated by the notaries Rodrigo de Mayorga and Pedro Hernandez de Toledo. He also obtained from the King in the presence of the commander (alcaide) of the city, Esteban de La Rosa, acknowledgement of this blazon of arms. From that date on, the Bethencourts of the Canary Islands used this blazon of arms - a lion salient, the shield supported by two aborigines of the Canary Islands, and the following motto: Enzalza siempre la vida la honra si no se olvida (Always pursue life so as not to forget honor).334,83
41. João Sanchez Ávila de Bethencourt (Georges, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean)256,257,256,55,6,7,9,175,257,256,55,6,7,9,175 was also known as João Sanches de Bettencourt.55,175 He was also known as João Sanches de Bettencour de Ávila.6 He was also known as João Sanches de Bettencourt e Ávila.7 He was also known as João Sanchez de Ávila de Bettencourt.9 He was also known as João Sanches de Ávila Bettencourt.175 He was also known as João Sanchez Betancur.343 He also went by the name of João Sanchez Betancur de Nava Redonda.343 He was also known as João Sanches de Bettencourt de Ávila.23 He was born circa 1410 at Ávila, Castile, Spain.343,6,7,9 He and Maria Vaz de Badilho had more than two children.256 He married Maria Vaz de Badilho at Ávila, Castile, Spain.343,256,6,7,9,251 He used the surname Ávila and was head of the Ávila Bettencourt family.175 João Sanchez Ávila de Bethencourt was Lord of São Bartolomeu de Lunares, Castile, Spain, and of the towns of Nave Redonda in Castile with legal authority over them.343,256,9
Maria Vaz de Badilho6,7 was also known as Maria Vaz de Badilha.256 She was also known as Maria Vaz de Vadilha.343 She was also known as Maria Vaz de Vadilho.343,256 She was also known as Maria Vaz Badilho.55 She was also known as Maria Vaz de Vadillo.9 She was born circa 1420 at Castile, Spain.257,7
Children of João Sanchez Ávila de Bethencourt and Maria Vaz de Badilho both born at Castile, Spain, were as follows:
+ 87 i. Antão Gonçalves d'Ávila Bettencourt was born circa 1440. He married Dona Inês Gonçalves de Antona, daughter of Afonso Gonçalves de Antona and Ignes Rodrigues Fagundes, at Graciosa (Os Bettencourt gives the location of the marriage as Graçiosa, adding that the bride brought, as her dowry, lands which her father possessed there, but the Nobiliário de Famílias de Portugal gives the location as Villa de Praia, Terceira).
88 ii. João Sanchez Gonçalves de Ávila256,256,9,256,9 was also known as João Gonçalves de Ávila.9 He was born circa 1440.256,9 He married Dona Leonor Álvares at Graciosa.256 He served in Africa.256 João Sanchez Gonçalves de Ávila and Antão Gonçalves d'Ávila Bettencourt came to live in Terceira, being Castilian, to become one of those who followed the Comunidades in the time of Emperor Charles V.344,345 Emperor Charles V reigned between 1519 and 1558 at the Holy Roman Empire.346
Dona Leonor Álvares256,9 was born circa 1440 at Graciosa.256
43. Inês de Las Casas (II) (Inês Bethencourt, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (suffix added for clarification)265,266,266 was also known as Inês Las Casas-Bethencourt.347 She was born circa 1410 at Spain.267 She married Fernán Peraza (I), son of Gonzalo Perez Martel.266 She and Fernán Peraza (I) obtained from Guillien, in trade, the lordship of the Canary Islands in 1445.348
Fernán Peraza (I) (suffix added for clarification)265,347 was also known as Fernàn Peraza o Velho.349 He was born circa 1410.267 He was a descendant of Gonzalo Perez Martel.248 In 1447 Fernán Peraza (I) attacked Maciot de Bethencourt on Lanzarote and took him prisoner to Ferrro.350 He died in 1452.351
Children of Inês de Las Casas (II) and Fernán Peraza (I) both born at Spain were as follows:
+ 89 i. Inês Peraza de Las Casas (III) was born circa 1430. She married Diego Garcia de Herrera, son of Pedro Garcia Herrera and Dona Maria de Ayala y Sarmiento. She died in 1503.
90 ii. Guillien Peraza de Las Casas (II) (suffix added for clarification)248,349,349 was born circa 1440.248 He died in the attack on the island of Palma, Islas Canarias, Spain.248
45. Louis de Bethencourt (I) (Jean, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (suffix added for clarification)268,268,79,268,79 was also known as Luis de Bettencourt.79 He was born on 22 Apr 1476 or 22 Jun 1476 at Caux, France.268 He was a squire.268 He married Françoise Baignard, daughter of Guillaume Baignard, in 1494.268,79 He and Françoise Baignard had thirteen children.268,11 After 1506 Louis de Bethencourt (I) was Lord of Béthencourt, Sigy-en-Bray, France, and Bosc-Asselin.268 He died on 13 Dec 1538 at age 62.268
Françoise Baignard268,268,79 was also known as Francisca Bainhard.79 She was also known as Françoise Baignart.268 She was born circa 1476 at France.268 She died in 1520.268
Children of Louis de Bethencourt (I) and Françoise Baignard all born at Caux, France, were as follows:
+ 91 i. Jean de Bethencourt (VII) was born on 2 Dec 1497. He married Marie de Biville in 1521 at Rouen, France.
92 ii. Jeanne de Bethencourt270,270,268 was born in 1499.269 She died in 1500 (at one year of age).269
93 iii. Marie de Bethencourt270,270,268 was born on 2 Nov 1501.269
94 iv. Jeanne de Bethencourt270,270,268 was born on 22 Apr 1503.269
+ 95 v. Jacques de Bethencourt (II) was born on 25 Sep 1511. He married Marguerite Renaud in 1535.
96 vi. Isabeau de Bethencourt270,270,268 was born on 6 Nov 1512.269
97 vii. Geneviêve de Bethencourt270,270,268 was born on 27 Nov 1514.269
98 viii. Robert de Bethencourt270,270,268 was born on 5 Apr 1516.269
46. Jacques de Bethencourt (I) (Jean, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (suffix added for clarification)80,72,79,72,79 was also known as Jaques de Bettencourt.79 He was born on 4 Oct 1477 at Mauquenchy, France.80 Both Jacques de Bethencourt (I) and Jacques de Bethencourt (III) seem to have married women with very similar names. Could this be an error in Os Bettencourt?.352 He was a doctor at Rouen, France.80 He married Barbe Chappellier, daughter of Guillaume Chappellier, at Rouen, France.268 In 1501 his father contemplated sending Jacques to Spain to assert his rights to the lordship of the Canary Islands.268 In 1507 he gained renown by publishing a book in Paris on syphilis, then called the Gallic disease, Nove penetentiales Quadragesima necnon purgatorium in morbus gallicum sive venereum, una cum dialogo aqua ad lignigaiaci collunctantium super dicti morbi curationem prelature.353 He died in 1527.269
Barbe Chappellier268,354 was also known as Guillaumette Chappellier.268 She was born circa 1480 at France.268
Children of Jacques de Bethencourt (I) and Barbe Chappellier all born at Rouen, France, were as follows:
+ 99 i. Jean de Bethencourt (VIII) was born after 1500. He married Marie Le Clerc.
100 ii. Mathieu de Bethencourt (I) (suffix added for clarification)269,269,269 was born circa 1502.269 Mathieu de Bethencourt (I) was canon of a chapter in Rouen, France.269
101 iii. Jeanne de Bethencourt269,269,269 was born circa 1505.269
102 iv. Michelle de Bethencourt269,269,269 was born after 1505.269
103 v. Madeleine de Bethencourt269,269,269 was born circa 1510.269
49. Jean de Bethencourt (VI) (Jean, Regnault, Jean, Jean, Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (suffix added for clarification) (JAccording to Os Bettencourt ean (VI) was the fifth son of Jean (V))355,356,79,356,79 was also known as João de Bettencourt.79 He was born on 12 Sep 1485 at Caux, France.269 Sailor and trader, he moved to Marseille dedicating himself to commerce with the Canary Islands.357 After 1506 Jean de Bethencourt (VI) was Lord of Folleville, France, and of Bosc-Asselin.269
Children of Jean de Bethencourt (VI) include:
+ 104 i. Isaac de Bethencourt was born after 1510 at Marseille, France. He married Adrienne Gorgil at Guerbaville la Mailleraye, France.
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