Bettencourts 1200-2000
Descendants of Jean de Bethencourt
Generation One

1. Jean de Bethencourt1 was born circa 1200 at France.1
The Bettencourts of noble Norman origin took their name from the Castle of Béthencourt in Normandy, came to Portugal to the island of Madeira, and from there scattered to the Açores Islands and on to mainland Portugal and Brazil.
The first known Bettencourt is generally considered to be the Lord of Buttecourt, Buthencourt, or Bethencourt who accompanied William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, in the invasion of England in 1066. He was killed in the Battle of Hastings and buried in Battle Abbey, Battle, Kent, England.
Between 1096-1100, Jean, Lord of Bethencourt, appears to have participated, along with Robert II, Duke of Normandy, in the First Crusade to the Holy Land. He is linked with the Bethencourts of Bethencourt, Sigy-en-Bray, because he used the same arms, argent, a lion sable, armed and langued gules.
By the end of the 13th century, the genealogical history of the Bethencourts becomes more precise. In the first years of that century, there lived a Guillaume de Bethencourt, Lord of the fief of Bosc-Asselin. In 1206, Guillaume was a witness to a sale made by Clotard to the pretor of Sigy. Unfortunately, none of these figures has as yet been linked directly to the following lineage.2,3,4
Children of Jean de Bethencourt both born Sigy-en-Bray, France include:
2 i. Regnault de Bethencourt (I) (suffix added for clarification)1,5 was born circa 1220.1 He was patron of the church at Bosc-Asselin, Sigy-en-Bray, France.5
+ 3 ii. Philippe de Bethencourt was born in 1226. He died in 1278. He was buried in the choir of the church of the priory.
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